There is a great deal of dynamic and stochastic noise in the burning process of the furnace flame. These noise signals must be eliminated. 全炉膛火焰的燃烧过程伴随着大量动态的随机噪声,这些噪声信号必须消除。
Regulation for strength calculation on pressure parts for chemical process furnace 化学工业炉受压元件强度计算规定
This paper expounds the installation environment, installation detail and some points for attention in the installation process of arc furnace reactor and tap changing unit. 阐述了电抗器及抽头更换装置的安装环境、安装细节以及安装过程的注意事项。
Numerical Simulation on Influence of Operation Conditions on Process in Cracking Furnace 操作条件对乙烯裂解炉内过程影响的数值模拟研究
Computational accuracy of heating process mathematical model based on total heat exchange factor ( THEF) method was found easy to decrease due to complex heat exchange process in a furnace. 复杂的炉内热交换过程容易导致根据总括热吸收率法建立的加热过程数学模型的计算精度降低。
Application of flue gas desulfurization in using magnesia process in furnace with fuel-tube built 氧化镁法烟气脱硫工艺在燃油炉上的应用
Fuzzy Parameters Adaptive Control of the Burning Process in Reheating Furnace 轧钢加热炉燃烧过程的模糊自适应控制策略
Refinery effluent was treated by hydrolysis acidification-aerobic biofilter process with blast furnace slag as packing. 以高炉水渣为填料,采用水解酸化&好氧生物滤池处理炼油废水。
Simulation and Analysis of Thermal Process in Reheating Furnace Using Oxygen-Enriched Combustion 采用富氧燃烧技术的加热炉内热过程模拟与分析
The Bessemer Process uses a furnace called a "converter". 酸性转炉法使用称为转炉的高炉。
Simulation Platform for Optimal Operation and Control of Roasting Process in Shaft Furnace 竖炉焙烧过程优化操作运行与控制仿真实验平台
Based on the complex process of blast furnace gas system in steel industry, a network forecasting method based on data-driven is established in this paper for the prediction problem on BFG output. 以钢铁企业高炉煤气系统这一复杂生产过程为背景,针对高炉煤气发生量的预测问题,提出一种基于数据的网络模型预测方法。
The basic concepts for improving anti-carbonation performance of ethylene cracking furnace lubes by surface modification are proposed based upon the carbonation process of the furnace tubes of elhylene cracker. 针对乙烯裂解炉管的渗碳过程,指出了采用表面改性技术提高乙烯裂解炉管抗渗碳性能的基本思路。
A mathematical model for heat transfer process in HPH furnace was established and verified, then applied to analysis of the relationship between gas flow rate and annealing time. 通过建立全氢罩式退火炉炉内传热过程的数学模型,并经过实测验证后,分析了循环风量与退火时间的关系。
It is more difficult to build a simulation model based on mathematical theory about thermal engineering and manufacturing process of furnace, and the simulation model usually cann't reflect the real situation accurately. 对这类炉子的热工与工艺过程建立数学理论的仿真模型是比较困难的,而且往往难于准确反映真实情况。
Relation between detection and control of the BF process and blast furnace operation 高炉过程检测和控制与高炉操作
Simple Low Voltage Heat Process furnace 简易低压热处理炉研制
In this paper we introduce the optimizing process of furnace charging number, by using the true calorific efficiency to determine the relationship between furnace efficiency and furnace charging number, i.e. η′-N relationship. 本文介绍了利用真实热效率确定炉子效率与装炉量的关系(η′-N)从而优选装炉量的方法。
New process of furnace drying for large electric furnace 大型矿热电炉烘炉新工艺
Rapid carburizing process by increasing furnace pressure is introduced and its mechanism is analysed. 介绍了快速压力渗碳工艺,并对其机理进行了分析。
Big development of short process elecrtic furnace steel making in the U. S. Minimills Challenge Integrated Mills 美国大力发展短流程电炉钢厂短流程小钢厂挑战大型钢厂
The system adopts Client/ Server structure, and two computers are used to complete the simulation of whole hot rolling process except furnace. 它用Client/Server模式,在两台计算机上实现了除加热炉外整个热连轧生产线的仿真。
Detailed information about the flow field, temperature field, the heat flow density distribution in tube surfaces was obtained, opening out the basic characteristics of flow, combustion and heat transfer process in furnace. 计算得到了炉内流场、温度场及炉管表面热流密度分布的详细信息,揭示了焦化炉炉膛内流动、燃烧和传热过程的特性。
This system consists of optimizing raw materials purchase, blast furnace process and blast furnace products. 系统由购矿优化,炼铁过程优化和产品结构优化等部分组成。
Studying of reasonable energy-using model of steelmaking process and furnace mass for arc furnace 电炉炼钢过程及炉群合理用能模型的研究
Study of the mathematical model and computer control of combustion process in reheating furnace 加热炉热过程数学模型与燃烧过程计算机控制的研究
On the basis of investigating influence of the technological parameter such as slab reheating process, furnace scale structure characteristics, scale removal times and rolling temperature variation on scale removal, the scale removal technical process rule was had developed and perfected. 通过研究热轧生产工艺过程的板坯加热、炉生氧化铁皮结构特点、除鳞道次、轧制温度变化等工艺参数对除鳞工艺的影响,制定、优化、完善了热轧板卷除鳞工艺制度。
Application and Analysis of the Computer Control of Thermal Process in Reheating Furnace 加热炉热过程计算机控制的应用与分析
Dynamic Mathematical Model of Boiler's Air-flue Gas System and Analysis of Implosion Process in Furnace Chamber 锅炉烟风系统动态数学模型及炉膛内爆过程分析
Preliminary discussion on raw material project for short flow process electric furnace 短流程电炉原料工程刍议